Barabai, S Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - The ranks of Central Hulu Sungai (HST) Police arrested three drug dealers operating in around Barabai.
The district police chief Adj Sr Comr (AKBP) Sabana Atmojo here on Friday (20/4) said the first perpetrator was a housewife with the initial SM (23).
She was arrested at midnight around 23:00 on Wednesday (18/4) while transacting in front of MAN 1 Jalan Antasari Barabai with evidence of a package of sabu-sabu.
The police then developed the case, and the next day at about 00.15, police arrested two other actors, MB (19) and RD (41), in front of the Dalillul Mosque on Jalan Mualimin, Barabai Darat.
In the hands of the perpetrators, the officers secured a 0.27-gram sabu-sabu packet wrapped in a plastic clip and put in a cigarette case, which had been thrown by the perpetrator to the ground.
The perpetrator was threatened with a sentence of 20 years in prison for violating Article 114 paragraph 1 sub-article 112 paragraph 1 of Law No. 35/2009 on narcotics.