Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The joint search and rescue team from the Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL) explored the flood-affected area in Barito Kuala (Batola) District, South Kalimantan, and found many houses were still inundated by flood.
"The water level is beginning to subside, but at some points, there are still many houses are swamped, especially along the riverbanks. People still need much help to restore their condition," said Marine Captain (P) Febrian Rinal from the Navy SAR team, Wednesday.
Using rubber boat, the team, which consisted of soldiers from the Banjarmasin Navy Base, the Koarmada II Frog Troop Command, Navy Divers (Dislambair) from Koarmada II, and the Marine, exploring the river to the isolated area due to flooding, such as Jejangkit Muara Village, Jejangkit Sub-district, to distribute aid directly to the community.
The Navy also escorted members of Jalasenastri (organization of Marine Corps soldiers wives) Branch 4 of Korcab XIII to distribute assistance to residents affected by flood in Sawahan Village, Cerbon Sub-district, and Puntik Village, Mandastana Sub-district.
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In addition to handed out aid from TNI-AL, the team also provided free health services for the community at the evacuation posts.
According to Head of Branch 4 of the XIII DJAII Branch Coordinator Dewi Sandharianto, residents complained about illnesses such as itching, fever, diarrhea, and flu.
The team of doctors led by Marine Major (K/W) dr. Meutia Indra Sakti reminded residents remained to adhere to health protocol in the midst of the flood.
"Remember, the flood may recede, but the COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing. So residents should not ignore health protocol, such as wearing masks, washing hands diligently, and keeping distance and avoiding crowds," she said.