Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Kotabaru Regent H Muhammad Rusli has consulted with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) in efforts to improve the welfare of fishermen in Bumi Saijaan (Kotabaru's nickname).
Muhammad Rusli proposed some programs for the progress of fisheries and marine in Kotabaru to the Head of Planning Bureau of the KKP Andy Artha Oktopura.
"During our campaign, people asked for assistance in the form of 24 hp dan 34 hp dompeng (diesel) machine, as well as small-medium boats. I hope Head of Planning Bureau of the Ministry can help facilitate those assistance to improve income of the community, especially fishermen," he said.
The Regent conveyed his vision-mission programs, one of which is realizing Kotabaru Hebat ((which stands for harmonious, energic, united, trusworthy, resilient), where the welfare of fishermen is the main target.
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"This is the first meeting for me after becoming the Regent of Kotabaru. Kotabaru is divided into two, namely the island Kotabaru and the mainland Kotabaru with a very large area, also as a costline," he expounded.
"I see Kotabaru from all regencies in South Kalimantan as very strategic both agriculturally and in term of marine and fisheries development in supporting the (new state capital of Nusantara) IKN in the future," he said.
The Ministry's Head of Planning Bureau Andy Artha Oktopura was pleased with the visit of the Kotabaru Regent who had seriously conveyed a number of programs.
He also conveyed 5 programs of KKP, namely expanding marine conservation areas, quota-based measured fishing, fisheries development, sustainable marine, coastal, and inland cultivation, monitoring and control of coastal areas and small islands.
Including cleaning up plastic waste in the sea through the fishermen's participation movement.
"Maybe later we can collaborate, because for me this is an extraordinary potential in programs that can be collaborated with friends in regional government. Even though the current policy condition we all know have limitations, but we still have to improve the welfare of community in the marine and fisheries sector," he explained.
Regent H Muhammad Rusli, who was accompanied by DPRD Sepaker Suwanti, Deputy Speaker Awaluddin and Fisheries Office, proposed a program for the progress of fisheris and marine in Kotabaru and was welcomed by Head of KKP Planning Bureau Andy Artha Oktopura.
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