Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Commander of 101/Antasari Provincial Military Command (Danrem) Brig. Gen. TNI Ilham Yunusc closed the 123rd TNI Integrated Village Development (TMMD) in Talusi Village, Pamukan Selatan Sub-district, Kotabaru.
Danrem 101/Antasari read out a written message from the Regional Military Commander (Pangdam VI/Mulawarman) Major General TNI Rudy Rachmat Nugraha who emphasized that the 123rd TMMD program is the service operation of TNI (Indonesian Defense Forces).
"The 123rd TMMD activities were carried out for 30 days in the areas of the military commands of Kodim 0912/Kutai Barat, Kodim 0907/Tarakan, Kodim 1004/Kotabaru and Kodim 0905/Balikpapan with the theme “With the spirit of TMMD realizing equitable development and national resilience in the region," he said.
The theme means that with a strong spirit and determination, TMMD helps accelerate development in the region for the welfare of community and support strong land defense, especially to help areas that have not been touched by development evenly.
Pangdam VI/Mulawarman also appreciated all TMMD task force in the rank of VI/Mulawarman Regional Military Command (Kodam) that have realized the achievement of the target according to plan and time have been set.
"Thank you and appreciations are addressed to the regents and mayors and their staff, related agencies, community leaders, youth leaders, religious leaders, local and national media and all parties who have worked together and helped the implementation of 123rd TMMD 2025 that it can run orderly and smoothly, according to the expected goals," he expounded.
Commander of 1004/Kotabaru Military Command Lt. Col. Inf. Bayu Oktavianto Sudibyo said that all physical and non-physical targets had been 100 percent achieved.
At the end of the ceremony, Danrem and the entourage headed to the TMMD location in Talusi Village, Pamukan Selatan Sub-district, Kotabaru, to review the hardening of 1,250 meters road infrastructure, renovation of 3 unhabitable houses to be habitable, construction of 5 boreholes, renovation of neighborhood security post, renovation of musholla and bathing, washing, and toilet facilities (MCKs).
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