Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) in South Kalimantan established an alms house Rumah Amal ULM or RAUL to support underprivileged students through a program to distribute zakat and infaq from the academic community.
"Rumah Amal ULM is to help students to stay focused on education without being burned by financial problems,” said ULM Rector Professor Ahmad Alim Bachri in Banjarmasin, Monday.
He said from the existing data, around 4,000 ULM students need help.
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"Rumah Amal ULM is expected to become a solution for students who are experiencing economic difficulties," he said.
A total 1,600 lecturers, 1,200 education staff, and 32,000 students that the university has are expected to be a great potential to collect and distribute zakat, infaq, alms and waqf to the students who need helping hands.
Alim said that Rumah Amal ULM or ULM Charity House upholds the principle of inclucivity that it does not discriminate ethnicity, religion, or other backgrounds.
To run it operation, ULM is assisted by the South Kalimantan National Alm Agency (Baznas) which will provide education, direction, and coaching so that zakat or alms management at the Rumah Amal ULM runs according to regulations.
"Let us make this Rumah Amal ULM a field for joint charity,” he said.
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