Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - A nurse examine a dialysis patient due to kidney disease during the commemoration of World Kidney Day 2025 at Ulin Banjarmasin General Hospital, Moday (March 24, 2025). (ANTARA/HO-Media Center Kalsel)
The Provincial Government of South Kalimantan is intensifying socialization of kidney health protection in effort to reduce kidney disease in the region.
Acting Deputy Director of Medical and Nursing of Ulin Banjarmasin General Regional Hospital (RSUD) Agung Ary Wibowo here on Monday said that currently cases of kidney disease requiring dialysis patient at Ulin have reached 390 people.
The case is a concern because t continues to increase every year, so that the commemoration of World Kidney Day 2025 became a moment to promote socialization to protect kidney health.
The theme of World Kidney Day 2025 was "Are your kidneys oke? Detect early, protect kidney health".
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"We want all people to be aware, early detection is very important to protect kidney health," he said.
Agung disclosed that dialysis patients at Ulin Hospitaldue to poor kidney are experienced by elderly to children.
"Our 390 patients from adult to children, have a routine dialysis schedule 6 days ina week," he said.
Ulin Banjarmasin is a referral hospital for South-central Kalimantan Region that optimally serves 2 of three choices of kidney replacement theraphy, namely hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
"This year's World Kidney Day commemoration is a global initiative aimed at educating the public about prevention and management of kidney disease," he said.
Meanwhile, Head of Dialysis Installation of Ulin Banjarmasin Hospital, Enita Rakhmawati Kurniatmaja added that patients treated by Ulin are mostly due to hypertension then complication to kidney experienced by children to adult persons.
To that end, dr Enita appealed to the public to always implement a health lifestyle. If there is a family history of the disease, immediately conduct early detection with regular check-up.
"Let's together maintain kidney health, by living a health lifestyle, consume healthy food, exercising regularly and don't be lazy to drink enough water," he said.
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