Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Banjarmasin City Government launched a climate village to be able to maintain air quality.
The climate village that was declared by Mayor H Ibnu Sina on Sunday (Sept 19, 2021) was the housing complex of A Yani 1 in the neighborhood unit (RT) of 22 in East Banjarmasin Sub-district.
Previously there were as many as 17 climate villages spread in 16 urban villages in this capital city of South Kalimantan Province.
"I urge the public not to burn garbage, always use organic fertilizers, not to use gas for cooking, and use LED lighting," he remarked.
Ibnu Sina admits that carrying out this movement so that many people will follow is not easy.
He, therefore, hopes that all levels of society can work together to make this program to cool the universe a success.
"The collaboration of mothers, fathers, and citizens, as well as shared commitment, that is at least what we donate to be able to cool the universe and the earth. We donate oxygen and also draw carbon dioxide, so it can reduce gas emissions. Hopefully, this city is cool and looks green," he said.
Related news: South Kalimantan prepares climate change mitigation village through Sasangga Banua
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In addition to launch a climate village, Ibnu Sina planted trees in the area.
He planted quite rate fruity trees, namely Kuwini, Kasturi, and the original orange of Banjarmasin (Limau Kuit Obama).
The Mayor also inaugurated Seroja Waste Bank bringing the total to 300 units of garbage bank spread across 52 urban villages in five sub-districts in the city.
Read also: Banjarmasin to commence face-to-face learning on Monday