Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Head of Banjarmasin Eduction Agency Totok Agus Daryanto said that face-to-face learning will soon be commenced considering the city has regained the level 3 status in the implementation of public activity restriction (PPKM).
Here on Saturday, he announced that face-to-face learning for early childhood education (PAUD), kindergarten (TK), elementary (SD), and junior (SMP) will commence all at once on Monday (Sept 20, 2021).
"The letter of notification for face-to-face learning has been distributed yesterday (17/9/2021) to all schools from PAUD to SMP," he said.
Totok said that on the considerations of the city status of COVID-19 spread at the level 3, and in accordance with the recommendation of the COVID-19 Task Force of Banjarmasin, and the joint ministerial decree (SKB), namely Education, Culture, Research and Technology Ministry, Home Affairs Ministry, Health Ministry, and Ministry of Religious Affairs, the face-to-face learning is allowed to resume from September 20, 2021.
"But it allowed only for schools in the green and yellow zones, not for those in the orange or red zones. We will see the data from the Health Agency related to zonation in the city," said Totok.
The schools, he emphasized, must report to the agency, and students' parents as well, that 80 percent of teachers have been vaccinated.
"I can assure for this thing that almost all schools have their teachers been vaccinated over 80 percent," he said.
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Learning is held, he added, with only 50 percent of the capacity, health protocols applied strictly, and learning hour is only 3 per day.
"So the class should take in turn, schools must make a neat and orderly schedule, do not let crowd occur," he reminded.
In face-to-face learning, students must bring their own food supplies, while school canteen is temporarily prohibited from opening.
"If a student is unhealthy, we ask parents not to allow or bring the student to school," said Totok.
The implementation of face-to-face learning will be evaluated every week, to be reported to the Banjarmasin Health Agency.
"If there is a student or a teacher exposed to COVID-19, face-to-face learning must be stopped for at least three days," he said.