By Hasan Zainuddin
Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (Antaranews) - The government of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, through the Communication and Information Agency (Dihubkominfo) enforce local parking restrictions on the streets.
Dishubkominfo aided by Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) and local police on Wednesday, netted 48 two-wheeled vehicles parked haphazardly. The indiscriminate parking raids carried out since the morning until noon at Jalan Hasanuddin and Jalan Ujung Murung.
All vehicles caught transported by Dishubkominfo officers to the town hall to give their offenders tickets, as sanction of indiscriminate parking restrictions. Having given them tickets, vehicle owners were required to undergo the quick court to processing of the vehicle while completing the letters.
According o Yulian, a ticketed officer, this was the second raid performed to provide a deterrent effect on people who go around parked haphazardly. In previous raids 33 wheeled vehicles ticketed.
The raid was conducted after socialization previously held. In past socializing, dozens of cars parked haphazardly
had been bolted later after being given an explanation of parking restrictions padlocks were removed.