Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Starting February 2020, the Banjarmasin's Office of Investment and One Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP) will provide home delivery for free.
"So, starting February, (every) licensing applications enter our office, if documents are complete, there is no need to take it to the DPMPTSP office, just wait at home, we will deliver it for free," said head of the office Muryanta in Banjarmasin, Wednesday (Jan 29, 2020).
The office, he said, is developing an innovation for maximum service this year with a mainstay program called "Mantab" (means to deliver license for free).
The agency, he added, is collaborating with the Post Office for the delivery of licensing documents to the applicant's address for free.
The program is a development of what has been done by the agency by applying online-based integrated services.
Previously, the DPMPTSP made some innovations, such as "Perizinan Sejati" (means one document for three licenses), namely business certificate (SKTU), business permits (SIUP) and registration certificates (TDP).
Another innovation was "One Day Service" (ODS) or a day is completed for the SKTU, SIUP and TDP extension permit services.
"And we have more delegations from other agences, from only 102 licenses now become 230 those we have to handleat present," Muryanta pointed out.