Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - PT PLN Main Distribution Unit of South and Central Kalimantan had finally lighted up the remaining three villages in Barito Timur (East Barito), Central Kalimantan, now that all villages in the district have been electrified.
The three villages, Kalinapu, Gandrung, and Putut Tawuluh were officially connected to electricity for 24 hours via PLN grid system on momentum of Heroes Day 2024, Public Relation of PLN South and Central Kalimantan in Banjarbaru informed on Sunday.
Acting Regent of Barito Timur Indra Gunawan, Forkopimda or Leadership Communication Forum of Barito Timur, PLN Manager for South Kalimantan Electricity Project Implementation Unit Winardi, Manager PLN UP3 Kuala Kapuas Fx Eka Wijayanto, as well as heads of the three villages attended the inauguration in Kalinapu Village, Saturday (Nov 16, 2024).
"Congratulation to residents of Kalinapu, Gandrung, and Putut Tawuluh villages for the officiation of electricity switch on through grid system. We hope that the community can use electricity wisely for our progress," said General Manager of PLN South and Central Kalimantan Ahmad Syauki.
PLN Manager for South Kalimantan Electricity Project Implementation Winardi said the electricity swith on on the momentum of Heroes Day 2024 was so special for his team, they also felt the same happiness.
"We feel very happy to complete the construction of electricity network in three villages on the moment of Heroes Day. Our teams struggle was not easy, considering the geographical terrain was difficult for transportation. However, alhamdulillah (Thank God) the electricity is on today," he said.
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Winardi expounded that the electricity network infrastructure had been built for three villages included 15.65 circuit kilometers (kms) of 20 kV medium voltage network (JTM), 4.8 kms 220 Volt low voltage network (JTR), as well as four transformer units with capacity of 50 and 100 kVA.
"This development would not be possible without collaboration with the Central Kalimantan provincial government, Barito Timur district government, and village government. We really appreciate synergy of all parties," he pointed out.
Acting Barito Timur Regent Indra Gunawan thanked PLN for electrifying the entire villages, thus it would improve people's welfare and children can study more comfortably, and fishermen can preserve their catch better.
"We urge the community to use electricity positively and be sure the safety of electrical installations at home. Make sure the installation complies with Indonesian National Standards, so it is not dangerous, especially when flooding," he advised.
One of Kalinapu villagers, Normiyati, expressed her gratitude for the presence of PLN electricity. People here previously relied on limited solar power (PLTS) or generators with high fuel cost.
"Alhamdulillah, we are grateful then thank PLN for installing electricity so that our life become much easier than before," said Normiyati.
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