Tanjung, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - After winning the highest score of smart city in South Kalimantan, with an index reaching 3.38 by the end of 2023, now the Tabalong district government is boosting people's digital literacy.
Head of the Smart City Development of the Tabalong Communication and Informatics Agency Hj Ruzaida Fitriani said that commitment to support Smart City movement continues to be carried out, one of which is socializing digital literacy for micro and small businesses (UMK or MSE).
"Tabalong's smart city has succeeded achieving the highest score and we are also strengthening smart economy to support the realization of smart city," Ruzaida expounded here, Monday.
Smart economy strengthening targeting MSMEs from various businesses in the Tabalong, whose nickname "Bumi Saraba Kawa" .
Read also: Tabalong runs four smart city services during pandemic
Home business owners, grocery store owners, traders in markets, stall owners and others are equipped with ways to utilize digital media to advance their businesses.
Thus the local government hopes to improve their understanding and skills in using digital technology for their. So, they can be more adaptive in maximizing the use of digital technology in facing increrasingly tight business competition.
“By strengthening the dimension of smart economy it can certainly support the development of smart city in Tabalong District,” Ruzaida pointed out.
The socialization, which was opened by the acting Regional Secretary of Tabalong M Fitri Hernadi, presented resource persons Dr Asep Iwa Hidayat (PPSDM Regional Bandung) and Head of Tabalong Loka POM Taufiqurrohman.
Previously, Tabalong was selected by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics as one of role model for smart city implementation in 2018.
Smart City evaluation is carried out every year by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics together with five other ministries to measure the level of success in implementing Smart City Movement in the regions nationally.
Tabalong, in the implementation of Smart City, has succeeded to enter the Top Eight nationally out of 130 districts and cities implementing Smart City throughout Indonesia.
Read also: Tabalong govt embraces Banjarmasin Polytechnic to strengthen smart city
Read also: Tabalong ready to apply smart city