Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - The Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning Ministry/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) handed over 10 land certificates to residents of Banjar District, South Kalimantan, during the complete systematic land registration (PTSL) program socialization in collaboration with DPR RI's Commission II.
"10 land certificates recipients are from several urban villages in Banjar District," said Head of Administration of BPN Office South Kalimantan Budiyarsih here on Monday.
In the PTSL dissemination at Tree Park Hotel, Banjarmasin, Budiyarsih expounded about the importance of residents to protect their lands, both in term of physical control and juridical or proof of ownership.
People were reminded to register their land, so they have certificate through PTSL program, a free land certification which aims to provide legal certainty for land owners.
Related news: DPR-ATR/BPN hand over 10 land certificates in Banjarmasin
"As long as five conditions are met, namely there must be a land, clear boundaries and size, proof of ownership, clear owner, not in dispute, and administrative cost paid off, the certificate will be issued immediately," she said.
In question and answer session, Head of Survey and Mapping of BPN South Kalimantan Bambang Suyudi explained about a land on riverbank. A certificate of use rights can be made by first looking at the position of the land, is it on the bank of large river or tributary.
Meanwhile, DPR RI's Commission II membere Difriadi, who was a resource of the socialization, said that DPR RI has a duty and authority to support the strategic program of ATR Ministry/BPN, including PTSL program.
Commission II, he said, continue to support the program in terms of duties, function, and authjority to make the PTSL program a success.
"We ask the Land Office to work with the regional government to support the implementation of activities, because the success of PTSL does not only depend on the ministry," he pointed out.
Related news: ATR/BPN's pelataran for easier land handling without broker