Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Banjarmasin Industry and Trade Office (Disperindag) assured that cooking oil price at the markets, especially modern retailers, was stable.
"From several retail we visit, they are very aspirational, people welcomed. It means the price is according to the government regulation," said Head of Disperindag's Head of Trade Strengthening and Development Rakhman Norrahim, Thursday.
As it has regulated in Trade Minister's Regulation No. 6 of 2022, the Highest Retail Price (HET) for cooking oil is IDR11,500 per liter for bulk cooking oil, IDR13,500 for simple packing cooking oil, and IDR14,000 for premium.
"According to the inspection we have conducted around modern retail, all have complied," he explained.
However, he said, some had a limited stock and the goods were displayed in stages to anticipate buy up action.
"There are some retailers, we ask why (ccoking oil) empty on shelves, but still available at warehouse. They said they have just run out, then the goods put on shelves in stages so no one will buy up," he explained.
He asked the people not to over-buy cooking oil for fear that it would run out and the price will be expensive again.
"We also ask modernr retailers or others not to sell cooking oil out of regulation, because there will be sanctions," he said.
Rakhman ensured that the surveillance activities did not end here. His office will continue to oversee.
His office will also coordinate with the South Kalimantan Trade Office, so it can directly check availability at the modern retail main warehouse.
"We do it as anticipation before the fasting month, because at that time usually the need for cooking oil and sugar is very high," he said.
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