Mar (ANTARA) - The Regent of Banjar Saidi Mansyur stated that the district government and all elements of the district leadership communication forum (Forkopimda) agreed to extend level 3 public activity restriction (PPKM).
"The implementation of level 3 PPKM is effective from July 27 to August 2, 2021. We hope the community and related parties to comply with the rules set forth in the circular," said Saidi in Martapura, Tuesday.
He said circular No. 360/250/BPBD/2021 concerning the implementation of level 3 restriction was signed by the Regent as the regional head and all elements of Forkopimda, namely Chairman of DPRD M Rofiki.
Then, Police Chief AKBP Andri Koko Prabowo, Commander of 1006/Banjar Military Command Lt. Col. Inf. Imam Muchtarom, Head of Prosecutor's Office Hartadhi Cristianto, and Head of the Martapura District Court Noor Iswandi.
According to the Regent, the level 3 PPKM refers to the rules and regulations in the Minister of Home Affairs' instruction, but the implementation is not too strict as in Banjarbaru.
"The point is we do not have checkpoints," he said.
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In accordance with the agreement with Forkopimda, the level 3 PPKM further optimizes the COVID-19 Task Force posts that have been established in every sub-district, urban village, and village.
"The post has four functions, namely prevention, handling, guidance, and mapping of potential crowd points, so the level of spread can be detected and anticipation can be taken," he said.
Public activities such as school are carried out online and trading in the market is open until 17.00 WITA (Central Indonesia Time).
Minimarkets, including small shops, open until 22.00 WITA, stalls or restaurants, including cafe, open until 19.00 WITA, and take-away orders until 22.00 WITA.
Read also: Banjarmasin does not block entrance during level 4 PPKM
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