Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - A member of Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) Norhaida hightlights the development of popular Teluk Tamiang (Tamiyang Bay) beach attraction in Pulau Laut Tanjung Selayar Sub-district, which is one of her programs.
"Tamiang Bay, my birthplace, is now experiencing rapid development with many buildings. However, they are not well organized,” said Norhaida in Kotabaru, Wednesday.
She said that her party has set tourism development as one of priority among other programs.
She admitted that tourism development in the area requires good planning so that it can maintain tourist condition to continue to attract visitors' attention.
"It is important to organize development in Teluk Tamiang, an area known to have great tourism potential," she said.
Read also: IBT, SMKN Pulau Laut Barat plant 1,000 mangrove on Tamiyang beach
Read also: Kotabaru PUPR constructs seawall in Teluk Tamiang beach
She opined the need for Tourism Office together with the new Regent to immediately take strategic steps to improve tourism infrastructure and governance in this area.
The main focus includes improving the road to Teluk Tamiang and optimizing the role of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) and Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis).
“The village government also needs to improve management at village level and establishing regulations that support sustainable tourism development,” she suggested.
Those improvements are expected to boost tourist visits and supporting economic growth of the local communities.
“Our hope is that the regional government can maximize tourism potential in Teluk Tamiang as well as other (potential) areas such as Tanjung Kunyit, Teluk Aru, and Teluk Jagung, which are starting to get busy with tourists,” she said.
Read also: Kotabaru DPRD member supports Kampung Nelayan culinary tourism to be developed
Read also: Kotabaru Regent receives tvOne award for innovation in tourism