Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Saijaan Blue Campus, the name given to the Kotabaru Correctional Facility, South Kalimantan, continues to improve human resources of prisoners (or what so-called as WBP for warga binaan pemasyarakatan) with various skills training.
"WBPs here have produced various products, such as furniture, souvenir, wickerworks, bricks, amplang (savory fish cracker), signboards, salted eggs, various types of hydroponic plants and sasirangan cloth typical of Kalimantan," said Head of the Correctional Facility Yosef Yambise in Kotabaru, Friday.
Their products, according to Yosef, compete with products outside the prison. Some of the WBPs' products have entered several supermarkets in Kotabaru.
"Their products are ordered by various parties outside Kotabaru, even outside Kalimantan," he said.
Yosef said that his party continues to collaborate with several stakeholders in an effort to improve the quality of human resources for prisoners.
The warden, who is of Papua origin, even challenged people who want to see the manufacturing process and buy WBPs' products to come directly to the Saijaan Blue Campus.
"Kotabaru Correctional Facility is not scary, it is a social school for the community, especially prisoners, because the prison can educate all parties. Kotabaru Regency will progress if the quality of its human resources is qualified," said Yosef Yembise.
Dedi, one of the WBP who received skills training, said that he would take advantage of the program rolled out by the warden to equip himself so that when he get out later he already had skills to improve the standard of living in the family.
"Yesterday I violated, today I learn, tomorrow I will build," was Dedi's slogan.
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