Rantau, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Six pertashop to be managed by the Joint Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes Bersama) in Tapin District, South Kalimantan, were inaugurated.
The inauguration was marked by the signing of an inscription of inauguration by the Regent of Tapin HM Arifin Arpan and Deputy Governor of South Kalimantan H Muhidin, Tuesday, during the commemoration of the 56th anniversary of the district at the Galuh Bastari Building, Rantau.
"Two have been operating and the rest will follow after the operator training is completed," said Head of the Tapin Community and Village Empowerment (PMD) Agency Rahmadi, Wednesday.
These official Pertamina outlets were located in the sub-districts of Candi Laras Utara, Candi Laras Selatan, Piani, Salam Babaris, and Hatungun.
Pertashop besides absorbing local village workers, the profit from selling IDR850 per liter fuel will be absorbed and managed by the village.
One pertashop is planned to get a quota of 3,000 liters per supply from Pertamina. Supply will be continuous upon request.
"Pertashop currently only provides Pertamax. BUMDesma in Tapin is the first in South Kalimantan to build pertashop," he said.
The aim, apart from village business, is to make it easier for people to get fuel.
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