Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - South Kalimantan Marine Affairs and Fisheries Office (Dislutkan Kalsel) has conducted coral reef transplantation in waters consevation area 3 in Pulau Sembilan Sub-district, Kotabaru District.
Head of the office Ruadi Hartono in Banjarbaru, Wednesday (September 24, 2024), said that waters conservation in Sembilan Island covering a area of 158,717.40 hectares.
"We have carried out coral reef transplantation using spider web method with 110 units of acropora acuminata species chosen because it is the easiest to grow rapidly," he said.
The transplatation was conducted to recover damaged coral reefs, improve marine ecosystem, stabilize and increase marine food/fishery resources, and boosting economic chances in tourism.
By this time, South Kalimantan has a coral reefs covering 9.443,15 hectares, consisting of 2.036,6 hectares in good condition, 25,79 hectares in moderate condition and 7,380.7 hectares in damaged condition.
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Rusdi said that South Kalimantan government will intensify coral reef transplantation in 2025 with 1,000 units of acropora acuminata to rehabilitate area 1 and 3 in waters conservation or marine protected area.
It is known that South Kalimantan has four waters conservation with a total area of 179,659.89 hectares, including Angsana waters in Tanah Bumbu District (8,138.45 hectares), Sungai Loban, Tanah Bumbu (10,613.23 hectares).
Then, Pulau Laut-Pulau Sembilan in Kotabaru covering 158,717.40 hectares, and Samber Gelap Island, also in Kotabaru, covering 2,190.81 hectares.
The province's Marine Affairs and Fisheries Office also released 50 sea turtles on the coast of Denawan Island, Kotabaru.
"It is hoped to foster a sense of belonging of the released hatchling, so that community will participate in protecting the ecosystem and habitat of sea turtles in the sea," said Rusdi.
Rusdi said that efforts to conserve marine ecosystem and marine biota need the involvement of all parties, including government agencies, communities and private companies.
He urged all parties to play an active role and be involved in effort to conserve marine ecosystem and biota, so that the preservation of nature and environment is maintained and sustainable.
Read also: South Kalimantan developes conservation-based artificial coral reef
Read also: Arutmin transplants coral reef, prepares marine tourism
Read also: Tanah Bumbu Planting Coral Reef