Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Banjarmasin Environment Agency (DLH) awarded 21 schools as Adiwiyata (environmentally cultured) schools for their success in the handling of cleanliness and other environment-based programs.
Banjarmasin Mayor H Ibnu Sina and Deputy Mayor H Hermansyah symbolically presented the awards to the 21 schools at the City Hall, Wednesday.
The mayor said that the city government gave the highest appreciation to the schools that won the Adiwiyata award.
He reminded all the residents of the educational environment that all students in Banjarmasin have been assigned as cleanliness ambassadors.
"This stimulus ia part of our effort to make the school one of the pillars of the city of which is clean and comfortable," he pointed out.
H Ibnu Sina advised that schools who have achieved Adiwiyata and who have not should always improve hygiene discipline. "Stay as pioneer --especially for Banjarmasin which has become pioneer in reducing plastic waste-- by prohibiting the use of plastic bag and that what inspired Indonesia," he said.
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