Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - South Kalimantan Governor H Muhidin together with Minister of Environment/Head of the Indonesian Environmental Control Agency Hanif Faisol Nurofiq planted tree seedlings at Central Park Batulicin, Batulicin, Tanah Bumbu District, to create urban forest.
Minister Nurofiq said the city forest built in this Batulicin Industrial Area is the government step to prepare the city center to become a forest showcase.
“Batulicin has the potential for quite rapid development, so it must be prepared from now. We also want to givethe public a picture about the importance of forest,” he said in a statement released by the provincial government, Wednesday.
Batulicin Central Park covering an area of 560 hectare of green open space (RTH) in Sari Gadung Village.
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Minister Nurofiq carried out the planting with Governor H Muhidin and Provincial Secretary Roy Rizali Anwar.
Head of South Kalimantan Forestry Office Fatimatuzzahra expounded that here thousands of tree seedlings to be planted from local plant species, including plants considered to be rare, to be developed for this city tourist park.
Pioneer species will be developed, namely enrichment of Kalimantan endemic species, enrichment of commercial species and Indonesian Archipelago (Nusantara) species.
Also attended the event the South Kalimantan Regional Police Chief Inspector General Rosyanto Yudha Hermawan; Head of Regional State Intelligence Agency Brigdier General Nurullah; Head of South Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office Rina Virawati, Head of the Regional Revenue Agency Subhan Noor Yaumil, Head of ESDM Office Isharwanto, Head of Plantation and Livestock Office Suparmi, Head of Transportation Office Fitri Hernadi and dr. Yuddy, Head of Sambang Lihum Mental Health Hospital.
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