Batulicin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Tanah Bumbu komitmen dorong kemajuan ekonomi daerah (ANTARA/HO-Diskominfo Tanah Bumbu)
The District Government of Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan, continues to be committed to boost the economic and development progress of the region whose nickname is "Bumi Bersujud".
This was stated by Tanah Bumbu Regent H. Zairullah Azhar, represented by Assistant for Economic and Development Eryanto Rais during the ceremony of the 28th Regional Autonomy Day (Otda) 2024.
"Autonomy Day is a commitment for regional government to progress the economy and development," said Rais in Batulicin, Tuesday.
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He said there are regional government policies have been decentralized to manage natural resources more efficiently and sustainably.
Such as mining processing industry into renewable products and services while paying attention to regioal potential. Likewise, agriculture, marine, and tourism.
Combining regional autonomy policies that focus on green economic development can create positive impact for the environment, community and economy as a whole.
With high spirit and determination, Tanah Bumbu optimistic about entering the new chapter in the regional autonomy era.
"The government keeps on making every challange an apportunity to develop and carve our brilliant achievements," he said.
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