Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - Antasari State Islamic University (UIN Antasari) Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, inaugurated an additional of nine professors at its Campus 2 in Banjarbaru City, Wedneday.
"With the inauguration of this nine professors, now we have 25 in UIN Antasari Banjarmasin," said UIN Antasari Chancellor Prof. Mujiburahman at the inauguration.
The nine professors are Prof Dr Ahmad Muradi S.Ag M.Ag in the field of Arabic education, Prof Dr H Husnul Yaqin M.Ed in Islamic education.
Then, Prof Dr H Wardani M.Ag is a professor in Tafsir science, Prof Dr Nazmi Akbar E.Pd M.Pdj in the field of management of guidance and counseling, Prof Dr Safruddin M.A in the field of linguistics.
Prof Dr Syauqi Mubarak Seff.Lc M.A as a professor in law, Prof Dr H Faisal Mubarak Seff.Lc M.A as a professor in Arabic, Prof Dr H Jamaluddin H.Hum in the field of human rights, and Prof Dr H Suriagiri M.Pd as a professor in educational management.
According to Rector, the nine professorts who were inaugurated came from various faculties at UIN Antasari, from Faculty of Tarbiyah, Da'wah, Ushuluddin, Sharia, and Business Economics.
"Some were decreed by the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs, others were decreed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology," he said.
Prof Mujiburahman also said that they were from Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhamadiyah, and Al-wasliyah organizations.
He hopes that with the addition of nine professors, scientific and academic productivity at UIN Antasari Banjarmasin will increase.
Prof Mujiburahman quoted a lesson from Ihya Ulumuddin written by Imam Ghazali, that knowledge and wealththat human possess, if they have been obtained and used for their own needs, there is an obligation to donate them to other people who need them.
"We are confident that our professors who have gained a lot of knowledge will invest their knowledge in their students, our students, and the entire academic community," said Prof Mujiburahman.
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