Kotabaru, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Kotabaru government Task Force spokesperson for the Acceleration Handling of COVID-19 H Said Akhmad reported on Monday (July 13, 2020) two children were confirmed positive.
The two children, he said, were from the sub-district of Kelumpang Hilir. One was a two-year-old girl and another was a six-year-old boy.
"They both confirmed positive for COVID-19 based on test sent on July 1 and the results have just come out today (July 13)," he said.
Both of these children were said to have a close contact with a previous confirmed positive patient because they stay in one home.
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Until today, the total case of confirmed positive in Kotabaru was 75, but the recovery rate in the district was quite hight. As many as 54 had declared recovered, 19 were under treatment, and two people died.
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