Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - South Kalimantan Province Police have mobilized tourism police to escort the health protocol to be complied at a number newly reopen tourist objects.
"Officers conduct dialogic patrol to accompany people to comply with COVID-19 protocol, such as wearing masks and keeping a distance," said Ditpamobvit Director Sr Comr Agus Mustofa here on Sunday (July 5, 2020).
According to him, the police always coordinate with the management of attraction to ensure health protocol standards are applied. Including by providing wash hand facility and distance setting, thus the visitors do not crowd.
"If any visitor does not wear a mask will immediately be reprimanded. We also prepare masks to be distributed during the dialogical patrol," he said.
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Agus admitted, currently not many tourist locations have been opened. There are only some operating with not as many visitors as in normal conditions.
"Floating market at the Siring Menara Pandang attraction in Banjarmasin has also not been opened yet. Only river tour has resumed. We have checked the health protocol has been implemented at the kelotok (traditional motorized boat) pier where visitors gathered," he said.
The South Kalimantan Police's support for the recovery of tourist attraction was also based on the spirit of reviving people's economy. This is in line with the Province's Police Chief Insp.Gen. Nico Afinta program, which is optimizing the security of every government policy, especially the economy, so that the business sector is protected and finally people's welfare is achieved.
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