Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - Banjarmasin Mayor H Ibnu Sina ordered all official from the echelon level II, III dan IV to undergo urine test to find out if any of them using a drug.
According to Ibnu Sina, the municipal government has cooperated with the city's National Drug Agency (BNNK) to conduct the urine test on the officials.
"We want to ensure all the officials of the Banjarmasin City Government are clean of drug or any addictives," said Ibnu Sina, Monday.
More than 200 officials of the city underwent the test. Not only in the City Hall, the test also conducted in all of the city government offices, including in subdistrict and urban villages.
"All officials are asked to undergo the test, not to miss," he asserted, saying that this test is a must, whereas the municipal uphold the regulations and should not violate, including in drug.
The mayor said this year about two State Civil Apparatus (ASN) has been punished with dismissal for involving in the drug.
"We hope no more ASN who involve in drug, so as our government and region is really clean then we are able to maximal in eradicating drug distribution," he said.