Batulicin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The State Treasury Service Office (KPPN) for Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, has distributed the second phase village fund this year in Tanah Bumbu District amounting to IDR3.7 billion.
"Village fund allocated by the central government are IDR125.33 billion through regional transfer to be distributed to 152 villages," said acting Head of KPPN Kotabaru Muhammad Falih Ariyanto in Batulicin, sunday.
Previously, KKPN had completed the distribution of the first phase of village fund before Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri amounted to Rp67,08 miliar.
The remainder is in second stage for ten villages worth IDR3.7 billion.
Related news: KPPN Kotabaru distributes village fund worth Rp44.5 billion for Tanah Bumbu
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Falih said the distribution of village fund was faster considering that the villages had completed administration submitted to the KPPN.
"Other (villages) have not yet (submitted) files," said Falih.
The ten villages that have received the second stage distribution are Pacakan, Sungai Rukam, Bakarangan, Harapan Jaya, Lasung, Anjir Baru, Karang Mulya, Karang Sari, Pandamaran Jaya, and Purwodadi.
"Thank you for the performance of village officials and village fund managers who had tried to accelerate the distribution so that the faster they are distributed it will certainly be beneficial for the village community," said Falih.
He expounded that village fund for the ten villages IDRp1.76 billion to be used to carry out predetermined (earmark) activities and non-earmark village priority activities worth IDR1.94 billion.
"One of earmark funds is allocated as BLT (cash transfer assistance) worth IDR381.6 million to be received by 212 KPM (beneficiaries) with a value of IDR300,000/month," said Falih.
The 2024 village fund budgeting policy pays attention to village needs, which is the authority of the village, funding for national priority program for alleviating extreme poverty through BLT and curbing inflation through food security program, as well as the results of diverting ministries/agencies spending which still fund village authority.
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