Batulicin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Tanah Bumbu Environment Agency (DLH) has prepared 24 schools to become Adiwiyata schools or environmentally cultured schools, healthy, clean, and beautiful.
Head of the agency Rahmat Prapto Udoyo through Head of Section for Environment Capacity Building Siti Fatimah here on Monday said that the effort to realize adiwiyata schools is based on educational, participatory, and sustainable principles. DLH continues to focus on coaching the Adiwiyata program in a number of schools.
"The guidance is carried out continuously by means of inventory and verification," she said.
She said there are 24 schools prepared as Adiwiyata prospectives at various levels, namely 11 schools at the district level, two schools at the provincial level, nine schools at the national level, and two schools at the national independent school.
According to Fatimah, the positive impact of implementing the Adiwiyata program has made schools ideal, comfortable, beautiful, cool, and enjoyable place to study. Thus behavior with a culture of clean, frugal, diligent, disciplined, honest, responsible, and polite will be realized.
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