Kotabaru, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Cement maker PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk Plant Tarjun supported the improving quality of vocational high school (SMK) in Kotabaru and Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan.
General Manager of PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk Plant Tarjun Retnawan Widhiantoro said the company continues to make efforts to contribute to the community through planned CSR program, one of which in education, as a proof of its concern for education.
"The support is through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program by providing assistance of two light vehicles forSMKN 2 Kotabaru's vocational automotive practice," Retnawan noted in a press-release received in Kotabaru, Wednesday (Feb 26, 2020).
He called this as one form of building synergy to improve the development of the quality of human resources (HR) and for the student competence, especially in facing the industrial 4.0 era. At the same time as the implementation of the memorandum of understanding in the vocational education program.
Retnawan said the activity was held in a series of National K3 (the occupational health and safety) Month. In addition to assist the school with practical car assistance, Indocement equipped the students with K3 culture, industry insight, soft skill, motivation sharing those were packed in outbound games in the activity of voluntary teaching.
Head of South Kalimantan Education and Culture Agency Muhammad Yusuf Effendi appreciated the Indocement's care and assistance for the education sector in the province.
“With the assistance of the practical cars, we can improve the quality of competence and excellence in vocational high school students," he hoped.
Meanwhile, Headmaster of private vocational high school SMKS Tunas Bangsa Heri Maryadi thanked and welcomed the assistance provided by Indocement. The school in Tanah Bumbu received the same assistance as SMKN 2 Kotabaru.
"This is a form of partnership that has been established well. This practical car assistance can improve the knowledge and skill of our students in the automotive field," he explained.