Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - The South Kalimantan Animal, Fish, and Plant Quarantine has inspected 12.6 tons of frozen shrimp of various types to be exported to Tokyo, Japan, through Trisakti Port in Banjarmasin.
"Before exportng, we first check to make sure it is suitable so that it can be accepted in the destination country," said head of the agency Erwin AM Dabuke here, Thursday.
He expounded that the quarantine agency has a vital role in ensuring that fisheries commodities to be exported meet applicable health and quality standards.
"This froezen shrimp has gone through a series of checks to ensure it is safe and suitable for consumption in the destination country," he said.
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The inspection was carried out in detail by quarantine officers from physical inspection including quality, suitability of type and quantity, as well as packaging.
Once declared to meet the requirements, the quarantine will issue Health Certificate for Fish and Fish Product as a guarantee that the commodity is safe and suitable for export to the destination country.
In addition to certification service, Erwin said the quarantine also provide education to exporters regarding export procedures and requirements that must be fulfilled so that commodities can be accepted in the destination country.
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