Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Regent of Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, Sayed Jafar broke ground on Husnul Khotimah Grand MOsque project to mark reconstruction of the mosque in Sebatung Urban Village, Pulau Laut Utara Sub-district.
"The mosque to be built with modern concept and equipped with a number of supporting facilities," he said here on Tuesday.
He said the construction of the grand mosque playas an important role to form a Kotabaru society that is moral and just, and has an impact on community development, as well as realizing vision and mission of the regent and deputy regent.
"Vision of this mosque is to excel in teaching and propagating Islam, making the congragation uswatun hasanah, creating a generation of Muslim with quality in faith and deveotion, knowledgeable in science and technology, carrying out management service sincerely, honestly, trustworthy and responsble, and prioritizing umat than personal interest. While its motto is tawakal (tawadhu, wara, fairness, hard work, amaliah and smoothness)," he expounded.
Related news: Kotabaru exposes plans to build Husnul Khotimah Grand Mosque
Some of the supporting facilites are al-Qur'an learning, social meeting room, tausiyah, fundraising for community and a place to rest for travelers who come to Kotabaru.
"The aim of Kotabaru govenrment is to improve the quality of people who ar intelligent, creative and skilled in regilious field, as well as improving governance that is serving, accountable, and transparant, in this case providing the public with places of worship that are able to accomodate congregation and strengthen ties between Muslim in Kotabaru," he remarked.
Head of Kotabaru PUPR Office Suprapti Tri Astuti explained that the Husnul Khatimah Grand Mosque is built with 3 floors equipped with lifts, 1 dome and 3 towers.
"Several supporting facilities, include a marriage hall, MUI office, Qur'an Tilawah Institution, mosque secretariat, Al-Quran learning center, meeting room, pilgrims' rest area, and manasik haji (hajj rehearsal) place," said Astuti.
The mosque site area is approximately 18,314 square meters, congregation capacity 3,251 people, parking area 3,469,69 square meters, green area 8,262 square meters, mosque facilities and area are 475,99 square meters.
IDR250 billion is allocated for the construction of the mosque, with a first stage of IDR50 billion being focused on building the lower structure of the mosque.
Read also: Kotabaru Regent inaugurates floating mosque construction
Read also: Kotabaru rebuild a mosque caught fire in 1955
Kotabaru government re-builds Husnul Khotimah Grand Mosque
Selasa, 2 April 2024 16:06 WIB