Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Home Ministry's Directorate General of Village Government Development has awarded the Kotabaru District Government for guidance and supervision in the field of village asset management and timely submission of Village Asset Inventory (LHI) report for 2021 by the Community and Village Empowerment Office (DPMD).
"We carry out the guidance and supervision of village asset properly so there will be no conflict in the future," said Regent Sayed Jafar here related to the award as reported on Tuesday.
What the government is doing, he admitted, is solely part of serving community by managing village assets correctly to minimize possible problems in the future both with the government and the community.
"I always insist do the arrangement and produce authentic document and evidence regarding the history of ownership of village boundary and all village assets," he pointed out.
He hopes that the complete village asset document data with all its uses can be properly archived and properly maintained.
Head of the Kotabaru DPMD Basuki said that the award was thank to the cooperation and support of all parties, especially the government of Kotabaru led by Regent Sayed Jafar.
"In 2021 the Home Ministry instructed all villages to record assets for all villages, so we followed up by recording all assets in the villages and we had reported all of them to the Ministry," said Basuki.
That was when the regent went directly to the field to see roads infrastructure and buildings that became assets in each village in order to update existing village asset data.
"During the leadership of the regent since taking office, he underwent and saw directly how the infrastructure was in the village until he was committed to building infrastructure," he said.
With the construction of roads, other developments will follow, such as village markets, schools ranging from early childhood (PAUD) to primary school, as well as integrated health services posts (posyandu) and so on.
Basuki said that Kotabaru has also received an award from the South Kalimantan Provincia Government for the achievement as the district with the best performance in reducing the status of underdeveloped villages in 2022.
"Both of the awards are parts of service to the community and to provide welfare such as facilities to be used as wide as possible for the community," he expounded.
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