Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The South Kalimantan Provincial Police instructed its members to donate convalescent plasma to help patients infected with the COVID-19.
"I have sent circulars to all work units of the provincial police that members who can donate convalescent plasma please go to PMI," said Head of Health and Medical (Bid-Dokkes) Division of the South Kalimantan Provincial Police Sr Comr dr Ubaidillah in Banjarmasin, Tuesday.
Convalescent plasma blood donation therapy was echoed by the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI). Convalescent plasma is taken from a recovered COVID-19 patient to be given to an infected patient.
COVID-19 survivors will have formed their antibodies to be given through convalescent plasma to help the patients to fight the infections.
Ubaidillah said that up to now 392 members of South Kalimantan Provincial Police and resorts police have been infected with COVID-19, five of them died. While 36 people are still being treated.
As many as 351 police officers in South Kalimantan who have been declared recovered can participate in the humanitarian action of convalescent plasma donation as instructed by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo that Polri members donate blood to help COVID-19 patients who are still struggling to recover.
Meanwhile, to fully support the COVID vaccination program, about 50 members of Bid-Dokkes of the provincial police and the ranks have been vaccinated, including Sr Comr dr Ubaidillah who became the first police officer in South Kalimantan to receive the jab in the vaccination on January 14, 2021.
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Read also: HSU's COVID vaccination the highest in South Kalimantan
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