Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Kolaborasi Banjarmasin (Banjarmasin Collaboration), which is a combination of volunteers from various professions, donated vegetables, herbal drinks, and food for hundreds of residents who underwent self-quarantine.
Banjarmasin Mayor H Ibnu Sina, when submitting the donation inWest Banjarmasin, Friday, said the independent quarantine residents were Asymptomatic People (OTG) who were confirmed positive for COVID-19.
"In West Banjarmasin there are 114 packages of donation from Kolaborasi Banjarmasin we submit to OTG," he said.
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According to him, the assistance was not only in the form of food, but vegetables, spices, eggs, tempeh and herbs were included. The assistance was handed over to each neighborhood unit (RT) to be sumbitted to their residents who were currently undergoing quanrantine independently.
"This assistance was actually from us for us, because residents who were infected with COVID-19 must undergo self quarantine, need to be given support and assistance," he pointed out.
In fulfilling this assistance, there were around 20 elements of community from government, businessmen to students who collaborate.
"This mutual cooperation is a form of our togetherness in breaking the COVID-19 chain n Banjarmasin City," Ibnu Sina said.
COVID-19 positive cases confirmed in Banjarmasin as of July 18, 2020 were 1.010. All urban villages in the city are already in the red zone, with the death toll of 107 and only 58 cases of recovery.
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