Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (Antaranews Kalsel) - A number of students from Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) dominated the finalists of the 2018 Antara TV Presenter Contest for university student category.
Of the 10 grand final participants, six of them were ULM students from several faculties, such as the Faculty of Law, Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP) and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIS).
The remaining three students from the Antasari Banjarmasin State Islamic University and one from the Banjarmasin State Polytechnic.
"Congratulations to those who qualify for the final and the jury have been waiting for you to show the best," said Head of the LKBN Antara Bureau of South Kalimantan Nurul Aulia Badar, Sunday (2/12).
Earlier in the preliminary round at the LKBN Antara South Kalimantan Office on Jalan Brig. H. Hasan Basry No. 1 Banjarmasin, 47 participants in the student category demonstrated their skills in front of three juries.
Besides Olly, Nurul Aulia Badar's nickname, as a jury, also a senior radio and television journalist, Yedi Yulistiadi, and Diana Rosianti from Duta TV.
Each participant reads the news script like a professional "anchor news". There are six texts can be selected by each participant randomly with a duration of about 2 minutes to perform.
Diana Rosianti said she was amazed and appreciated the appearance of each participant who she thought was good.
"The 10 finalists in the category of students and 10 finalists in the student category have been taken the best. Hopefully, they can become a TV presenter later and the Antaranews is the right place for a career as a journalist with a very broad network to the world," said this hijab woman.
The grand final will take place on Saturday 8 December 2018 at the Aria Barito Hotel Banjarmasin.