Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - Banjarmasin City Government optimistic that the economic growth to reach the target of 5 to 5.7 percent by this year until 2024, Deputy Mayor H Arifin Noor said here, Sunday.
He said the city's economic growth was already above 5 percent by the end of 2022, and is belived to last or increase by the end of this year and even next year.
By continuing to improve the quality of infrastructure this year until 2024, he is optimistic that Banjarmasin's economic growth will increase to 5.7 percent.
Nowadays, the city government is continuing to improve infrastructure, not only roads and bridges, but also land and river transportation infrastructure.
This year, he said, the city government is building some piers to support tourism considering Martapura River is the icon of the city tourism.
"There are six piers that we are building, three are funded by the central government and the other three by the city budget," he said.
For the land infrastructure, in addtion to roads and bridges, the city government improving road sidewalks and adds the Trans Banjarmasin Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) fleet.
"We add five Trans Banjarmasin BRTs, also adding services corridor to become four corridors," he said.
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According to Arifin, the city government also continue to improve health and economic infrastructure by building several community health centers (puskesmas), markets, and facilities for MSMEs.
After the pandemic ended, Banjarmasin government keeps working to restore the economy, so that the local revenue (PAD) for the development and community welfare will increase again.
Discussion on the draft of 2023 Revised Budget (APBD-P) and 2024 Budget (RAPBD) with legislature, said Arifin, refers to Banjarmasin vision and mission (Banjarmasin Baiman dan Bermartabat), so that all programs are on target.
With the 2023 Budget of IDR2.4 trillion, he said, Banjarmasin government will of course also support the national development goals, namely encouraging regional economic strengthening, controlling inflation, eradicating extreme poverty, reducing stunting, and increasing investment in the region.
"Essentially we want to maximize income, programs in infrastructure, improvement of economic, education, and others to support that," said Arifin.
Read also: Provincial, city govt collaborate to create beautiful Martapura River