Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Kazakhstan Mochammad Fadjroel Rachman offers opportunities for the University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) to establish international cooperation through the embassy's diplomacy.
"We are ready to facilitate any higher education desire to go international," he said in Banjarmasin, Friday.
Ambassador Fadjroel was in ULM to deliver a public lecture on the topic “Diplomacy and International Cooperation to Grab New Opportunities”.
Hundreds of ULM students from various faculties were present at the ULM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Lecture Theater in Banjarmasin to listen to the lecture.
Rector of ULM Prof. Ahmad Alim Bachri said that it will be a tremendous potential for collaborating with universities in Kazakhstan thanks to the ambassador's encouragement.
"There is a university in kazakhstan that ranked among the 100 best in the world. This is a great potential that we need cooperation with the top 100 universities on an internatinal scale," he said.
Alim pointed out that one of the main performance indicators (IKU) that must be achieved by every high education institution is establishing cooperation with universities that are in the world's top 100.
"Thankfully if lecturers in Kazakhstan who listed in the world's 100 best universities willing to be our guest lecturers or extraordinary lecturers at ULM, and we also encourage students exchange," he expounded.
Ambassador ready to facilitate ULM's international cooperation
Jumat, 10 Februari 2023 23:59 WIB