Amuntai, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Tree plantings were carried out at river basin areas (DAS) simultaneously in South Kalimantan, including in North Hulu Sungai (HSU) District to mark the National Tree Planting Day (HMPI) on Saturday.
Here, the planting was carried out by the South Kalimantan Forestry Agency, the Balangan Forest Management Unit (KPH), Hijau Bararawa Community, and Baznas of the HSU Office of Religious Affairs Ministry (Kemenag).
The tree seedlings for greening were planted in the Sungai Malang, and Palimbang Sari Urban Villages.
"A total of 1,000 seedlings distributed to the people to be planted with the aim among which to prevent landslide disaster," said Head of Forest Protection Division of the agency Muhammad Emir Faisal in Amuntai, Saturday.
He said the types of trees distributed were mahagony, trambesi, and fruit trees which would later benefit the surrounding community.
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The planting of tree seedlings was carried out simultaneously in South Kalimantan also in the framework of the National Movement for Restoration of River Basin Areas (GNPDAS).
It is expected through this movement the community can be educated to realize the importance of environmental preservation and protecting nature.
"Hopefully people later will be motivated and take the example of planting tree seeds in their respective neighborhoods," he said.
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