Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The South Kalimantan Sugar Association (AGB) will supply 350 tons of sugar to support market operations in all districts and cities in the province.
"Insya Allah (God Willing), the need for sugar for the people of South Kalimantan is safe, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 and in this Ramadhan," said the chairman of the association H Aftahuddin in Banjarmasin, Friday.
AGB in market operation will work closely with the provincial, district, and city governments, in order the distribution of the sugar will be right on target.
Aftah said, if market operation carries out routinely it will lower the price of sugar on the market, and people certainly afford to buy.
"Lastly the price of sugar was Rp18,000 per kilogram, but now it is around Rp15.000. A decline of price has begun to notice," he pointed out.
"During Ramadhan, the need for sugar rises by 30 percent, due to high consumption of the community and a number of seasonal business people who need much sugar to make various cakes and others," he explained.