Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (Antaranews Kalsel) - Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) participated in the 2018 Indonesia University Fair in Manila City, Philippines.
The exhibition which is held by the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) Education and Culture Attaché (Atdikbud) in Manila is in the context of facing global market competition in the field of education.
ULM Deputy Chancellor IV Prof. Dr. Ir. H Yudi Firmaul Arifin said 17 best universities in Indonesia were invited by the attache in Manila to participate, including the ULM which is the only representative from Kalimantan.
"Of course we are very proud to have been invited to participate in this international scale exhibition abroad. ULM will not waste this golden opportunity," said Yudi representing the Chancellor of ULM Prof. Dr. H Sutarto Hadi.
The education promotion is held at the Glorietta Activity Center, Ayala Ave, Makati City, Philippines, and officially opened on Sunday (10/21).
In the exhibition, ULM provided information related to faculties and study programs, scholarships, lecturer and student exchanges as well as information on ULM excellence in wetlands that attracted the attention of Filipinos to dig up information by visiting ULM stands guarded by the ULM Head of Cooperation and Public Relations Siti Aisyah and ranks.
Yudi admitted the interest of the Filipino to continue their education in Indonesia is still very low due to the lack of knowledge of their citizens about universities in Indonesia.
Therefore, the 2018 Indonesia University Fair is held with the aim to better introduce various kinds of strengths and advantages possessed by universities in Indonesia to the people in the Philippines.
In this activity, a special booth is also provided to sign MoUs for universities from Indonesia and the Philippines who want to work together.
It is expected that the Indonesian University Fair 2018 can improve good relations between the two countries.
In addition to ULM from South Kalimantan, other top universities in Indonesia that participated included UI, IPB, UGM, ITB, Unhas, Unand, Binus, Unesa, Unair, Undip, Unpad, UNS, UMJ, UNJ, UPI, and UNP.