Banjarmasin, (AntaranewsKalsel) - The South Kalimantan Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) targets the price of onion in the province in 2018 to be in the range of Rp20,000-Rp25,000 per kg.
Head of Bank Indonesia (BI) Representative Office of South Kalimantan Herawanto in Banjarmasin on Saturday said based on TPID meeting in the last few days, the team makes serious effort that the price of onion in the province is close to the price in Java, which is Rp15,000 per kg on average.
So far, the average price of onion in South Kalimantan is around Rp 33,000 per kg. The price may rise significantly during distribution disturbances.
This is because the need of onion and other food stuff are mostly supplied from Java, Sulawesi and Bima, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), so it is very vulnerable to price distruption, because the distribution is highly dependent on weather conditions.
To anticipate, TPID with BI have implemented various efforts and programs to control inflation. Among others, by expanding the planting of onion in some areas in South Kalimantan.
TPID also optimize onion seed and food crops and horticulture, especially in Tapin District and surrounding areas.
Especially to face Idul Fitri, TPID hopes all parties concerned, always keep the supply distribution by prioritizing the entry of staple.