Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - Pre-School and Primary School Teacher Education Program (PG-PSD) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) has sent its best students to practice abroad.
"We have just sent 10 students to Thailand and the Philippines for a one-month teaching practice there," said the Head of PG-PSD program FKIP ULM Drs Ahmad Suriansyah MPd Ph.D. in Banjarmasin on Friday.
The man who is often called Pak Sur hopes that his students can give their best during teaching practice in other countries.
"Moreover, the schools that teach are the best schools in each country," he told Antara News Agency.
But he is optimistic, based on experience during the last three years the program of sending PG-PSD prospective teachers abroad always get an A or "cum laude".
"It means that the competence of our students is recognized and appreciated by other countries, especially in the ASEAN region, so it should be proud," he explained.
The effort of PG-PSD ULM to increase the competence of its students, in order to compete in the global arena, is continuously done. One of which by establishing a Student Activity Unit (UKM) called "English Students' Club". In this container, students learn at once to hone their ability to speak English.
"Maybe in March we will send more students to Kuala Lumpur and now still in the stage of selection including English proficiency," said Pak Sur.