Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - Deputy Speaker of Banjarmasin Legislative Council (DPRD) Mathari welcomed positively that 14 schools in the city received Free Nutritious Meals (MBG) program from the government through the National Nutrition Agency (BGN).
"This program should be supported, because it is to improve the health of future generation," he said here on Sunday.
The program, which is among the Asta Cita or eight main programs launched by the Prabowo-Gibran government, aims to improve Indonesia's future generation by fulfilling the nutritional needs of pregnant women, toddlers, schoolchildren, and individuals at risk of stunting.
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Beginning last week, the free meal program has been carried out by the city government in 14 schools from kindergarten to senior high school in Banjarmasin.
In total, 6,531 students receive the free meal program in Banjarmasin.
Mathari said in general the activity was successful and there were no complaints regarding the menu.
"So far we have not received any reports of dissappointment for this program," he said.
Mathari hopes this program to run consistently and reach all schools. He stated that he supports the local government in preparing the budget for this program.
Previously, Head of Banjarmasin Revenue, Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKPAD) H Edy Wibowo said that the city government allocated Rp10 billion fund from unexpected espenditure (BTT) to support MBG program.
Edy expounded that the use BTT was because there was no budget for this central government's program in the 2025 city budget (APBD).
Acting Head of Banjarmasin Education Office Ahmad Baihaqi said the 14 schools that received the free meal program are public elementary school SDN Pemurus Dalam 1, SDN Pemurus Baru 2, SDN Pemurus Dalam 8, public junior high school SMPN 19, SMPN 18, SMAN 9, and public senior high school SMAN 10 Banjarmasin.
Also kindergartgen TK Trisula II Perwari, TK Adhyaksa XIV, public elementary school SDN Pangeran 3, public junior high school SMPN 24, SMP 21, SMPN 13 and public vocational school SMKN 4 Banjarmasin.
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