Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - A member of Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, Legislative Council (DPRD) Gewsima Mega Putra received a doctorate degree from Sultan Agung University (Unisula) Semarang with Summa Cum laude or the highest level of achievement.
"Alhamdulillah, after studying for two years, I was able to finish my study well," said Putra in Kotabaru, Monday.
Putra, as Gewsima Mega Putra is known, said he studied aw majoring at Unisula from 2022 to 2024 with a Grade Poin Average (popularly known as IPK in Indonesia) of 3.89.
He said he would apply what he gained from this degree to provide positive value to the people of Kotabaru, especially in the field of legal education.
“It is an honor and insya Allah (god Willing) I will dedicate my service to the community through legislative," he said.
He expressed his gratitude to all parties, especialy family, who had provided support to continue to develop in education.
“With the knowledge that I have learned, I will certainly be dedicated to helping community and progressing of development in the region,” said Gewsima Mega Putra.
Putra hopes that this achievement will motivate the young generation of "Bumi Saijaan" (Kotabaru's nickname)to countinue to encourage and pursue higher education to develop the District of Kotabaru.