Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - The beauty of coral reefs and marine life in the Kunyit Island, Sub-district of Pulaulaut Tanjung Slayar in Kotabaru comparable to the island of Bali.
"The beauty of the coral reefs and marine life of Kunyit Island is unknown to many tourists, because the road infrastructure leading to the island have not been supportive," said Baharuddin of team of identification and mapping of Kunyit Island potential here on Thursday.
According to Bahar, Kunyit Island has the potential of natural and cultural attractions that can be developed to increase the local community's economy.
The tourism potential, such as coral reefs and reef fish diversity, hordes of pelagic fish, tropical forests and hills, tower lighthouse relic of the Netherlands and the rocky coast.
While the distance of the island is quite close to the sub-district capital and transportation facilities have not been provided become an obstacle for the development of the tourist attractions on the island.
He said, means of transportation to the island from the mainland Pulaulaut, either from Teluk Tamiang or the capital sub-district of Pulaulaut Tanjung Selayar is yet available.
To get to the island can only be done by using a chartered fishing boats at a cost of Rp100,000 to Rp300,000 or aboard a fishing boat when there is activity in Pulaulaut.
In 2013, Kotabaru government granted aid ship for transportation of public and school students, but the ship was not able to function properly.