Kandangan, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Chief of South Hulu Sungai National Narcotics Agency (BNNK) Agus Winarti said the reason for the declaration of the drug-free village (what so-called Desa Bersinar) was data from BNN that 80 percent of the HSS District area was rural, and dealers and drug trafficking have entered the villages or urban villages.
She invited the whole village community to participate in the war against drugs and to make people aware that the threat of drugs is around us.
"Without the support of all elements of society, it certainly cannot be realized. Today we launch it (Desa Bersinar) for HSS," she said in the anti-drug declaration and the declaration of Desa Bersinar in Kandangan, Thursday (July 15, 2021).
She said that the agency will carry out activities that involve the community, in an effort to prevent drug abuse and illicit drug trafficking in villages and urban villages.
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The launching of Desa Bersinar in HSS 2021 is a new program for BNN. This program will continue until 2024.
"Because this is a new policy and included in the national priority at Bappenas (the National Development Planning Agency), all BNN in districts, cities, and provinces are doing the same thing," she said.
The HSS Economic and Development Assistant said the HSS government supported the Desa Bersinar program by the issuance of Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 2 of 2021 concerning P4GN.
He urged the appointed villages and urban villages to be more active in encouraging people to make their villages clean from drugs. All components or adjacent villages can support each other to realize HSS clean from drugs.
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