"Alhamdulilah (Thank God) the progress of TMMD work is running according to the target. Entering the 16th day, it has reached 67 percent, specifically for the main physical target of building road," said Commander of 101/Antasari Provincial Military Command Brig. Gen. Firmansyah in Banjarmasin, Saturday.
In Tanah Laut, the 1009/Pelaihari Military Command (Kodim 1009/Pelaihari) rehabilitated 7,200 meters of road, 1,000 meters of pavement, and installed 12 box culverts in Tanjung Village, Bajuin Sub-district.
While in Tapin, Kodim 1010/Rantau is working on the construction a 3,400 meters long road with a width of 7 meters. They also build one unit of decker plate and 2,5 meters long and 7 meters wide drainage in Suato Lama Village, Salam Babaris Sub-district.
Firman said the TMMD Task Force worked day and night to complete all the work that has been targeted to be completed in one month from June 15 to July 14, 2021.

Commander of 101/Antasari Provincial Military Command Brig. Gen. Firmansyah with TMMD Supervision and Evaluation Team Major General TNI Dwi Jati Utomo review the TMMD in Suato Lama Village, Salam Babaris Sub-district, Tapin. (ANTARA/Firman)
In addition to the physical targets, there are additional targets, such as residents' houses renovation, mushalla (prayer place) renovation, and neighborhood security post (pos kamling). Then some non-physical targets, including education on national insight and the danger of drugs, family planning service, social service, health service, and distribution of basic food.
"On behalf of the leadership, I thank you for the hard work of the TMMD Task Force as well as those who have helped, including the community. Insya Allah our sincere work in helping people is worth worship and get a reward from Allah Subhanahu WaTa'ala," he said.
Tanjung Village, which is the location of TMMD, is a remote area with varied geographical conditions of a mountainous area. The population is 4,092 people, mostly farmers.
The presence of TNI to build infrastructure facilities very helpful for people's mobility and ultimately improves the economy of the residents.
Meanwhile, for Suato Lama Village, whose residents are mostly rubber farmers, the construction of road access through the TMMD program has helped cut the inter-village distance which has been quite far because there is no access to the local roadway.
Read also: TMMD's 3.1 kilometers road solves problems of rubber farmers
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