Pelaihari, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Tanah Laut Regent HM Sukamta and Deputy Regent Abdi Rahman joined the community in gotong-royong (mutual cooperation) to pave a road in Batu Mulya Village, Panyipatan Sub-district, Saturdy (June 19, 2021).
The gotong-royong was carried out in a series of Manunggal Tuntung Pandang activities in the village. It is a traditional gathering to make a closer relationship between the local government and the community.
The road paving in neighborhood unit (RT) of 1A was carried out because it was an alternative link between Batu Mulya Village in Panyipatan Sub-district with Sabuhur Village in Jorong Sub-district.
"This road has potholes and really needs to be paved," said Secretary of Batu Mulya Village Agus Santoso.
Agus Santoso said two trucks of backfill were prepared to pave the 150-meter-long-road which was assessed as having severe damage.
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Regent HM Sukamta very appreciated the role of Batu Mulya Village government together with the Leadership Communication Forum of the Sub-district (Forkopimcam) Panyipatan in the gotong-royong to pave the road.
"We should always maintain the spirit of gotong-royong in the community. Especially if the village government and officials are active in giving the example," he pointed out.
The road connecting several villages in Panyipatan Sub-district and Jorong Su-district, he explained, become the connecting artery for the surrounding villages.
"Many local villagers use this sub-district cross-road for economic and other needs," he said.
Also participating in the gotong-royong were Head of the Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) Andris Evony, Head of Panyipatan Sub-district Agus Setiyo, and Chief of Batu Mulya Village Masduki.