Kotabaru, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Kotabaru District Government targets that every village to tourist destination both for domestic and foreign tourists.
A member of Commission III of Kotabaru Legislative Assembly (DPRD) Ruspiyandi said the local government together with the legislative has issued a bylaw (Perda) on the development of a tourist destination for each village.
"We hope that all villages in Kotabaru to have tourist attractions that become tourist destinations," he said.
In addition to having an influence on regional income, the high tourist arrivals to the village will have a wide impact.
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Among them, home industries will appear, which can be food and beverages industry, souvenirs, or even service companies, thus there will be circulation of money in the village.
"Thus the wheel of the economy in every village that is a tourist destination will move," he said.
Another impact is the opening of business opportunities for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in every village.
To realize the tourist village destination, he said, a collaboration of stakeholders and all elements of society is needed.
"Local government must also prepare good infrastructure so that visitors will be satisfied," he said.
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