Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Head of Banjarmasin Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Agency Iwan Fitriadi acknowledged the city still faces a high domestic abuse against children and women.
There always complaints of violence in every month. "On average about five cases every month, even tends to rise during the pandemic," he said here, Wednesday.
The average cases, he said, occurred because of economic problems. Parents were quick to emotion, doing violence to children or husbands to outrageous wives.
"Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, many people's economies dropped dramatically, they were quite stressed about survival, the emotion was quick to children and wives, acts of violence ensued," he explained.
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He appreciated the community for quickly report the abuse against children and women n their environment, thus the cases quickly dealt so as not to become fatalities.
The agency has been actively socializing these days to domestic violence immediately to be addressed. If there is an incident quickly report to the agency directly or through the call center 082250453333.
The high number of complaints can be categorized as positive and negative as well. Positive, because people are actively reporting the acts of violence.
"The negative is violence against children and women in our city is still high," said Iwan.
In fact, he said, not a few of the cases must brought to the realm of law, when there was no common ground to make peace.
"We prioritize peace in dealing with the problem of violence, but if we cannot, we will submit it to the realm of law," Iwan concluded.
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